Monday, August 20, 2018

My Abortion Story

The importance of career must lead to the person to prioritize, regardless of the gender. I feel glad that abortion happened to me. I work for an IT company. ( where the sex ratio know.) There were a few guys who used to hit on me. It all happened when our boss threw a party for the new office. I fell for his words! Mack! I was drunk that night and he dropped me off home. We had intercourse. And since both of us were drunk, we didn’t realize there was not any protection.

The unwanted pregnancy caught me off guard. We weren’t even seeing each other. He was my junior and I couldn’t tell him the whole thing. When I finally decided to share this with him, I found out that it was a deliberate attempt to make me resign from the position.

He wanted promotion. Hadn’t he supported me through this, I still wouldn’t have complained. But this was outrageous disgraceful. I decided not to put papers, no matter what! I quickly started my research on how I could deal with this situation.

I was 6 weeks pregnant. I learned that I am still eligible for a medical abortion. I searched for a pharmacy where I could get an abortion pill to end my pregnancy. Sadly, there wasn’t any in my region. Moving out to get an abortion was not the option.

I searched online, and gladly found a pill for the medical abortion. I did not want to take any leave, so I was looking for something that would not abort my pregnancy but also mitigate the after effects. Abortion pill pack the best suitable option I could get! And so I bought it! I didn’t take any leave on the day I took Mifepristone.

I only took a day of leave for misoprostol intake. Rest the pill kit took care of. It ended the pregnancy within 4 days. I was still feeling weak but I didn’t stop going to the office. In fact, my performance has enhanced ever since the abortion has happened and I got promoted further.

I was given a choice to fill my position. Another girl from our office who happened to be sincere and equally talented got the place. I warned her about the staff and we both are breaking the stereotypes of female working life and heading toward success every day. If abortion hadn’t taken place, I would have still stuck to that chair and the position. Everything happens for a reason.

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