Friday, September 20, 2019

Every woman can trust abortion pill with choice

Every woman is entitled to take her decisions related to unwanted pregnancy and its termination. With several options being available before them, it is typical for women to be skeptical about each option of abortion. Since abortion medicines allow women to undergo pregnancy termination at home, they can feel insecure if the process is difficult.

This blog helps women understand the safety and reliability of abortion pills for ending early unwanted pregnancy. The following are some of the reasons why women should trust abortion pills when they think of home pregnancy termination.

Low Price: 

The surgical abortion procedure maybe a quick one, however, it is expensive too. In the case of abortion pills, you do not have to invest a hefty amount to get your unwanted pregnancy terminated.

The abortion pills cost as much as a woman can afford to buy abortion pills online and end her pregnancy at home.

Maintained privacy: 

When you buy abortion pills online to abort the pregnancy, the e-pharmacies typically discretely package the pills. And hence, you can have privacy while buying the pills.

With this, women who don’t like people judging them while buying the medications can avoid them.

Available online: 

To access safe pregnancy termination medications, you don’t have to go to each pharmacy around you and ask for the medicines. With digital pharmacies providing abortion medications all around the world, it has become easier to get medicines at the doorstep with only a few clicks.

Temporary side effects:

The side effects of abortion pills are temporary and hence you do not have to worry about the long term impact of the medication on your body. The side effects should get healed soon after you end the pregnancy.

Future Pregnancy & Fertility: 

The medication of pregnancy termination does not have any impact on future pregnancies. If you have had abortion pills in the past and taken care of needed precautions during the procedure, you do not have to worry about the impact of abortion on any of your pregnancies. However, it is advised not to have sexual intercourse soon after the abortion procedure.

Similarly, the fertility of the woman using abortion pills remains the same it was before taking the pills. And hence, there’s no negative or positive impact on the fertility of the woman due to the procedure.

If you know the right source of medications and correct usage of pregnancy termination medications, they are indeed effective and reliable for any woman wanting to end her early pregnancy.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Pregnancy tests: Best time to take them

If you’re a sexually active person, pregnancy is something that knocks your head every month. While most women use contraception methods and have protected sexual intercourse, contraception’s seldom do not work. This creates pregnancy concerns in every woman.

Especially if it’s about an unwanted pregnancy, you may give thought to medical abortion and buy MTP kit abortion kit to end your pregnancy.

Following are some of the factors which help you determine if you should consider taking a pregnancy test sooner than later.

A missed period:

The first factor that will indicate that you may have conceived is your menstruation date. If you have

There can be other reasons for your menstrual delay. If it has taken 20 longer than your menstrual date, you must speak to your healthcare provider. There can be other factors responsible for the delayed period, PCOS being one of them. However, you may

The basic pregnancy symptoms:

Pregnancy symptoms such as tender or swollen breasts, tiredness, nauseous feeling, constipation, migraines, slight cramping, etc can help you determine if you should take a pregnancy test.

Pregnancy can make you emotionally sensitive leading to mood swings. You may also show food craving tantrums if you have conceived.

Pregnancy symptoms

Many a time, women ‘feel’ pregnant due to odd feelings that they experience and most of the times it becomes true. However, you should never assume that you’re pregnant unless you take a pregnancy test and confirm the same. Be it a missed period or other symptoms of pregnancy, they can be misleading at times.

You’re pregnant, what’s next?

After you take the pregnancy test, you should know if you wish to continue the pregnancy or end it using medications/surgery. In rest cases, you can have regular followups with your healthcare provider about pregnancy care tips. For pregnancy which has to be ended, you must know the gestation period as it can help you decide the method of abortion.

For a pregnancy up to 9 weeks of gestation, you can buy abortion pills online and undergo medical termination of pregnancy at home. For pregnancy is of more than 9 weeks, you can visit a clinic to get a surgical abortion done.